Monday, December 16, 2019

Raising awareness about the rights of the unborn is something that is really close to my heart. 
Because of my own life experience of losing a child to abortion when I was 14 years old, I am passionate about preventing abortion.

I am so blessed to have had this amazing song written by the fantastic Katie Pappas, an international songwriter who has written music for Christian movies.

Bruce Retief was responsible for bringing this song to life, and I am so grateful to have worked with them.

The music video was produced by Desmond Denton from Imagen Heart productions, and the video is about the story of a woman in an unplanned pregnancy who chooses life for her baby.  
The video ends where she is presented with another option: abortion, after she has seen what could be if she chooses to let her baby live. 

I pray that this song and this music video will help many girls in unplanned pregnancies to choose life for their babies.

Available on Itunes. 

Think Of Me:

My head on your heartbeat
Your arms wrapped around me
I want to feel everything
The look that's in your eyes as you hold me for the first time
I want to see everything everything

I don't want to be a what or if 
Or almost was
I want the chance to live and to be loved

One moment could
Chance my fate cos
You could take it all from me and keep it a secret
Or you could hold on to faith that it all is gonna turn out alright just give it
A chance and see it through
I'm at the mercy of you
So think of me before you choose

Taking pictures of my first steps
Being there for all the little moments
I want somebody to cherish me
To think of me
It won't always be easy 
But I'm a chance worth taking worth taking 
Worth taking
Worth taking

One moment could
Change my fate cos
You could take it all from me and keep it a secret
Or you could hold on to faith that it all is gonna turn out alright just give it A chance and see it through
I'm at the mercy of you
So think of me before you choose

Saturday, October 12, 2019

March for Life 2019

On the 6th of October 2019, South Africans who feel passionate about preventing abortion in our country marched in Durban, South Africa.

It is the sixth March for Life that I have taken part in, and each time that I march beside like-minded people, I am encouraged and inspired. 

This year, I had Project Life Pro-Life SA posters printed, as well as abortion recovery pamphlets. 
I have a heart for post-abortive women, so my sign this year had our contact details, so that women who need post-abortion help, can contact us. I handed the signs out and it was great to see them in the march!

I am also not a fan of posters that say "abortion kills", or "abortion is murder". 
As a post-abortive woman, I am sensitive to how words like these can be condemning to women who have lost a child to abortion.

Smaller signs for children were also printed. 


For the full video of the March for Life 2019, visit the video below. 

We hope to see you next year at the march!

Sunday, September 1, 2019


On Saturday, I had the honour of speaking at a High Tea for moms and their teenage sons. 

Due to the extremely violent crimes commited against women and children that have been reported in the news recently, a  popular hashtag here in South Africa right now is #menaretrash.

I titled my speech #notallmenaretrash, in an attempt to encourage and motivate these boys to be better men.
I told the story of how I know men who have behaved like trash, but also men who are of great value to this world. The opposite of trash is something valuable, and the main message that I hoped to get across to these boys, is that they have a choice between these two.
To be trash, and to make the world ugly and dirty. 
Or to be of value to this world, and to do great things and leave a legacy. 

I have been hurt by men who treated me like I was trash.
I have been sexually harassed, abused, abandoned and used. 

But, I have also been respected and protected by men out there who are not trash.

My grandfather, a respectable and kind man, is not trash.

My husband, a man of integrity, who honours me and my children, is not trash.  

My sons, Dominic, and Quade, are not trash.
And I will do my best to raise them up to be good men.

Perhaps, instead of calling all the men out there trash, we can try to speak life over the ones who are not. It is not fair to call young boys trash. Children will grow into what we speak over them.

To the men out there, the good ones, thank you.
Thank you for being a man of value. 
And please. Please protect us.
Teach your sons to respect women, and don't make fun of women.
Don't share content on your social media that is inappropriate. Don't encourage your friends to act violently. And stop watching porn- it is highly addictive, and studies show that it teaches men to dehumanize and objectify women. There is strong evidence that men who rape and sexually abuse women, watch pornography before committing the crime. So just don't.

Be the man that you wish your daughter could marry.
Add value to the world and make it a better place.
Be that guy. 


Friday, December 9, 2016

I am excited to announce that my new song, "I Feel The Rain" is available on ITUNES!!!

The music video for I Feel The Rain was filmed in the Durbanville Magic Forest.

Don't mind the belly, I was 5 months pregnant.

The video ends with the scripture because our land needs much prayer…

Our country needs to pray together for repentance and for grace and for our leaders to make the right choices… much healing still needs to take place in many hearts before we can properly move forward. Sadly there is still so much racism and so much pain among the people of South Africa.
Sadly our leaders are making so many wrong and corrupt choices that are hurting the people of this beautiful land.

I pray that this song will encourage people who are in a season of waiting, to keep praying for the rain, to keep hoping, to know that the clouds will bring forth the miracles that God has promised.

I feel the rain:

I see you there in the darkness
You think you’re alone
But if you look up at the stars you will know who you are

There’s something about the clouds tonight
There’s something about the air
It’s almost time almost time and son the rain will fall down

I feel the rain
I feel the rain
It’s coming, coming, coming, coming
It’s coming, coming, coming

I hear you cry to break the silence
Hear every word, hear every prayer
If you listen to the wind you will hear me call

There’s something about the clouds tonight
There’s something about the air
It’s almost time almost time and son the rain will fall down

I feel the rain
I feel the rain
It’s coming. coming, coming, coming
It’s coming, coming, coming

Slowly drifting down to earth
Slowly drifting down.

© 2016 Melissa Hertz

Monday, January 4, 2016


"A day in the life of Melissa Hertz..." 

I still can't believe that I will be featured on Psalted, a television show on SABC 3!

The first part of the show was filmed at Green Point Park, Cape Town. Because I am a homeschooling mother, and because most of my days are spent homeschooling my precious children, my children came along too. They played at the park and on the swings and jungle gyms while we did the interview.

On our way to Green Point Park for the Psalted TV interview!

The second part of the show was recorded at the Rhodes Memorial and Cecilia forest Cape Town. 
I was doing a photoshoot that day to promote my music.

The cameraman filming my interview with Jolene Michael, the presenter of Psalted.
One of the pictures from the photoshoot taken during the episode of Psalted. 
I was sponsored with a make-up artist from Top to Toe Makeup Academy and was so grateful for the beautiful make-up makeover. I wanted a themed shoot so the make-up style was hugely important.

My make-up makeover sponsored by Top to Toe make-up academy.
I wanted a ''warrior bride of Christ" themed shoot so I visited prop shops in Woodstock for props. The props, usually used for film shoots, were rented for a good price and were authentic and so beautiful. I rented a sword, a bow and a quiver filled with arrows for the shoot.

The bow and quiver filled with arrows for the "warrior bride of Christ" themed shoot.                       

A sword rented from the prop shop for the "warrior bride of Christ" photoshoot. 

I am so very thankful for the opportunity to share my story and my music on television! All glory to Jesus for even making this possible!

"Warrior bride of Christ" photoshoot.

My makeover.

Sword, bow and arrow for the shoot.
One of the cameramen filming me in the car. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Butterfly Song - the story behind the song

At the beginning of this year, many of my personal relationships were under strain and I had a difficult time understanding why certain people in my life did not support me in my decision to speak out against abortion and pursue music. I had to seek God for His wisdom and healing because I felt very rejected and misunderstood. And God is the ultimate comforter, and comforted me with scripture. Often when I read my Bible I would be gently nudged and told to be BRAVE and BOLD.

One night I had a dream that I was a butterfly with huge glowing wings and I was dancing for the King. And this revelation washed over me like a wave of warm sunshine:

I am His little butterfly. 
Created with this sole purpose: To glorify my Creator.

God started speaking me to me through butterflies and every time I saw a butterfly I would be reminded that He is near.

The Bible doesn't actually mention butterflies at all but does tell us to consider the ways of the ant. How hard he works. How he stores his food for the winter. Such a small but wise creature. And one that we can learn so much from...

But lets consider the butterfly for a moment because there is so much that we can learn from this fragile but fierce creature..

The butterfly is delicate and small and can easily be killed and crushed.
Yet the butterfly is fearless.
The butterfly is bold.
The butterfly goes out, follows the wind and trusts her wings to carry her.
The butterfly is transformed into something beautiful and glorious.
The butterfly brings beauty and life where ever she flies.

Consider the butterfly...

As believers, we need to be like butterflies. Bold and fearless and paint the sky and make the world beautiful with His message of hope and love. Glorify Him and shine for Him, and do it wholeheartedly and with flare.

We are called to be the light, and be the salt, and change the world and speak the truth. Lets do it fearlessly and boldly.

Let's go out in the world and be like butterflies... let our existence and beauty that we shine from within bring glory to the Creator, and let the joy we radiate bring delight to this dark world we live in.

As believers, we are like the butterfly. Once a caterpillar, unable to fly, our salvation renews our spirit and we are transformed into a new and beautiful creation. We are able to fly and be free and dance in the sky. All we have to do is trust... that the wings He bled for us to fly will carry us.

Consider the butterfly...

The Butterfly Song

My butterfly
Delicate velvet
My butterfly
Fearless spirit

Ignite your wings
And dare to dream
Light up the night
Light up the sky
Ignite your wings
Embrace your dreams
Dance for me tonight

Be bold
Be brave
Be bold
And paint the sky

My butterfly
New creation
My butterfly
You are a revelation

Ignite your wings