About Me

I'm Melissa Hertz, and I live in beautiful South Africa. I am a Bible-believing Christian, wife, and mother of three children that I homeschool.

I am a pro-life activist, musician, speaker and I have a radio show called Arise Butterfly. I am the founder of Project Life Pro-Life SA, a pro-life organization in South Africa.

I am passionate about telling the story about how my relationship with Jesus changed my life. He saved my life (literally) in 2016 when I almost bled to death after giving birth to my son, Quade.
That was the night I made a promise to Him, to tell all who will listen, about Him. (You can find my birth story on this blog under the heading My Birth Story.)

I have spoken at woman's events, pro-life marches, schools, and churches, and conferences. 

I am the founder of Project Life Pro-Life SA, a pro-life organization in South Africa that tries to prevent abortion and baby abandonment through various awareness campaigns. We do online pregnancy counselling, as well as online post-abortion counselling. We do hospital outreaches by taking new moms in hospital a "mommy baby pack."
Visit www.projectlife.org.za

My music is on Youtube and Itunes, and I have had the honour of appearing on television a few times, both in South Africa and internationally. The breakthrough for my music happened in 2014 when two of my songs were chosen for a local Christian Compilation called FRESH. Since then, my music has played on local and international radio stations.

"CBN AFRICA" and "YES HE IS" have both done a video story of my testimony, and "YES HE IS RUSSIA" translated my story into Russian. You can find these on my Youtube channel. 

I have a YouTube channel, and I would be grateful if you subscribe!
Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope to hear from you!

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